In this course, Martin and Shonagh will introduce you to the infectious and diverse rhythms of Mozamjam, an original Tsuchigumo Daiko composition influenced by drumming styles and traditions from across the world, bringing them all together in a fun and exciting taiko piece played with typical Tsuchigumo style and energy. Mozamjam will present a challenge to players of all levels from beginner to advanced, so pick up your bachi and let’s get ready to JAM!


The basic version of this piece has 5 parts. You are welcome to add as many players as you wish for each part:.

Call: played on nagado or any low tone. Ideally all call drums are higher than the answer drums.

Answer: played on nagado or any low tone.

Odaiko: played on nagado that is louder and lower than your call and answer.

Primary Ji: played on a set with high-tone drum on player’s left, low tone drum on player’s right, and bell or kane in between the drums in the center

Secondary Ji: played on a set with high-tone drum on player’s left and low-tone drum on player’s right.


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