kaDON Live Stream #2

Updates from the kaDON Team

1. Utah Taiko Experience Early Bird Extension https://kadon.com/utah-taiko-experience/

2. San Jose Taiko 45th Anniversary Concert: Watch Party on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/240315503999347/

3. Project Ikigai concert updates! Check out some videos here: https://www.facebook.com/projectikigaimusic/

4. Join the kaDON TimbreTaiko Facebook group to learn more about the instrument and its possibilities regardless of whether you own it or not: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2641853856043889/
Purchase a TimbreTaiko here: https://kadon-103184.square.site/product/-new-kadon-timbretaiko/98 Currently $30 off!

5. Our Online Store is STILL OPEN during this time, but it may be experiencing some delays. If you are placing an International Order (outside of the United States), please email info@kadon.com and we will take care of your order manually https://kadon.com/instruments/

6. Please share what you’ve been doing at home by tagging us @kadontaiko or #stayhomewithkaDON . Thank you for showing us that staying home can still be lots of fun.

7. 30-day Gift Subscription is still available. We also have instructions on how to sign up. Please let us know if you need any assistance.

8. New course released on kadon.com Kenny Endo’s Ji Patterns and Improvisation!

9. #PoweredbyYOU Every course, every event, every product is made by possible by YOU!

10. Next week, a different kaDON member will be appearing. See you next week!